Call: (301) 881-2424
Address: 11732 Nebel Street, Rockville, Maryland 20852, United States
Most homeowners will obtain 3-4 estimates for an exterior remodelling project. At Central Roofing, Siding and Windows we think that's a great idea. Installing roofing , siding , windows , or gutters is a big decision for a homeowner and not something to be taken lightly. We always encourage our customers to compare us to the competition.
Generally, you will find that our prices meet or beat our closest, most respected competitors. We try very hard to keep our operational costs down, but we never let quality and workmanship suffer because of costs. Our ultimate goal is to have an extremely happy customer that received great value during their remodeling process. We love referrals and the best way to get a referral is through a happy customer.
That being said, there are some Contractor's that have some pretty sleazy sales techniques. Their goal is to obtain a signature from a customer on their first visit to the property. They do this by offering a high price that then will be drastically reduced if the customer is willing to sign today. Even with the reduced price, these companies will have prices that are thousands of dollars more expensive that what Central might offer. We have seen this time and time again (particularly with the elderly) as customers have showed us the Estimates they have gotten. In my opinion, these types of company's are despicable and I have no idea how they look themselves in the mirror each morning.
Take a look at the chart to the right. Here are 3 actual projects that we have bid on recently against these type of high pressure sales companies. You can see that Central's price was almost half of the discounted price that these companies offered. The scary thought is that I know that our materials are top of the line and probably higher quality, our installers are more highly trained and experienced, and our office truly cares about each and every customer.
Do not let yourself be swindled by one of these companies with high pressure sales tactics. Be sure to get multiple estimates and take your time to make an informed decision.
11732 Nebel Street, Rockville, Maryland 20852, United States
4 Long Shoals Rd Suite B437, Arden, North Carolina 28704, United States
(828) 827-5247